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Friday, December 11, 2009
Breakfast of Champions
So, I have been eating a lot better lately. I haven't been doing this because I really cared if I lost weight or not. I just started eating differently because my stomach was not allowing me to take in certain things without rebelling. I started paying more attention to the cues my body would send and I have been not only feeling better, but my pants are fitting better too. It's great! I am not hungry because I haven't been trying not to eat. I eat three small meals and two or three snacks a day and it is working tremendously well.
If you are wondering what is in my egg mixture, it's carrots and chicken. I need a little more protein in the a.m. to keep me satiated. This really works for me. I am not saying this will work perfectly for everyone. It works for me. The grain is quinoa. I am finding that my beloved oatmeal may not be the best grain for me to ingest in the morning. I am still playing around with it.
This is a protein packed breakfast and it keeps me fueled until my next meal. I always have another carbohyrdrate rich meal before my workouts at lunch.
It really helps to pay attention to what your body is telling you. If your stomach doesn't respond well to certain foods, try eliminating them. Don't stop eating foods for dieting purposes. In my opinion, it only makes me want them more. If I slowly eliminate something because it makes me feel bad, it's easier to get rid of it for good. Listen to your body. It is probably telling you what it wants right now. Stop ignoring the cues.
Lose the weight!
I knew by the video that I had gained more than I had expected, but I decided it really wasn't necessary to worry about it. I just needed to get back to working out and eating better and that is exactly what I did. I didn't really expect to see any difference and I didn't weigh myself. I decided to let it go and see what happened. Well, my pants now fit again and I stepped on the scale for the first time the other day only to find that I was about 10 pounds lighter than I had thought I would be. I still had in my head that I would be at my higher weight. It still hadn't registered that my pants were fitting better because I had lost about 10 pounds. Shocking.
So there it is. The strange and mystical tales of women who had lost weight even though they weren't weighing themselves incessantly and carefully recording every morsel that went into their mouth is true.
Due to all of the crash diets of the past 40 years, our society has come to hold the belief that you cannot lose weight without severly restricting calories and exercising like a mad fiend. I have always known that the more I deprive myself of the foods that I love, the more that I want them. When I decided to just eat them when I felt like it, I didn't crave them as much anymore. It's also interesting to see how much less our bodies demand or crave when we feed it properly. A doctor of natural medicine told me that we crave salt when our bodies need vegetables and we crave sugar when our bodies need fruit. Instead of waiting until we crave these things, feed your body on a regular basis. You will cut your cravings and keep hunger at bay.
I want to also reiterate yesterday's post about listening to our bodies. One of the reasons I have lost some weight is because I started feeding it properly. I have been eating more vegetables, fruit and protein. I have been eating less grains because I believe gluten may have a negative impact on my stomach. Dairy is also a source of serious discomfort, but I am working on that.
Listen to your body and stop obsessing over every morsel that enters your mouth. Enjoy the foods that you love even if they are considered "bad" foods just eat them in moderation. If you are feeling full after every single meal, then you need to assess how much you are eating and eat a little less. Stop eating when you feel satiated and do not go too long in between meals. Let's see how much weight you lose when you stop dieting.