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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Buying Local Is Better For Your Health

Buying Local is better for your health

Why Buying Local is better for your health:
1. Buying local is better for the environment. The further you travel the more you are using your car or other forms of transportation that pollute the air we breathe.

2. Buying local means exercise. Take time to walk around downtown and shop with your family.

3. Buying local means keeping money in your community. It means more jobs for your friends, family members and neighbors.

4. Buying local means healthier food. Visit your local farmer’s market and buy fresh produce. It’s cheaper and supports local farmers.5. Buying local means meeting new people in your community.

6. Buying local means enriching your life. Attend festivals, concerts, charity events and plays. Run in your local 5k or walk for cancer or for the health of babies. Take classes to improve your fitness level, culinary skills or artistic abilities. Take First Aid and CPR or self-defense. Many local organizations offer these opportunities for very little money or for free.

7. Buying local means safer communities. More people walking around downtown means safer streets.

Take advantage of all your community has to offer.

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